Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Eurogamer Expo in London This Sunday

This weekend at Earl's Court in London the Eurogamer Expo will be kicking off and I am going! I'm incredibly excited as I will be able to see and play new triple AAA titles which have not been released yet. A list of these games can be seen here - - but I know I wont be having a chance to try all of them games, there wont be enough time. So here is a smaller list below showing the games I'm interested in seeing and then the ones I am definitely going to check out (they're in bold).

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft)
Brink (Bethesda)
Bulletstorm (EA)
Crysis 2 (EA)
Dance Central (Microsoft)

Dead Space 2 (EA)
Def Jam Rapstar (Konami)
Fable 3 (Microsoft)
Fallout: New Vegas (Bethesda)
FIFA 11 (EA)
Gears of War 3 (Microsoft)
Goldeneye (Nintendo)
Gran Turismo 5 (Sony)
inFAMOUS 2 (Sony)
Just Dance 2 (Ubisoft)
Killzone 3 (Sony)
Kinect Adventures (Microsoft)
Kinect Joy Ride (Microsoft)
Kinect Sports (Microsoft)
LittleBigPlanet 2 (Sony)
Medal of Honor (EA)

MotorStorm Apocalypse (Sony)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (EA)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (Konami)
Rock Band 3 (MTV)
Saw II: Flesh & Blood (Konami)
SOCOM: Special Forces (Sony)
Sports Champions (Sony)
Vanquish (SEGA)

I am a big fan of technology therefore checking out the Kinect and Sony Move games is essential plus being able to play some more games in 3D will be great (I found Avatar in 3D on Xbox pretty decent). Rock Band 3 is also very exciting for me as I can't wait to check out the pro instruments as well as the new keyboard. I found LittleBigPlanet on the PS3 fantastic and therefore I'm interested in how the sequel is (although it's a big shame it's an exclusive, it barely gets played by me because of that). The other bolded games I have on pre-order so I'll be interested to see if they are going to be worth playing or not.

I will be writing in-depth reviews on the products and the event itself the day after I get back (so Monday) with the intention on answering questions which have not been asked. I have lots of queries involving Kinect and hopefully I can clear them up by getting down and gritty with the hardware myself. If there is anything anybody wants me to check out for them just let me know (like any questions you'd want me to ask). I will be taking photos and video footage so look out for that soon too.

Finally if anybody reading this on my friends list is also going to the event on Sunday then feel free to get in contact with me and we could meed up.